Shoujo Manga Protagonist X Rival-San (Serialization)
Shoujo Manga Protagonist X Rival-San (Serialization)
Other names:
Shoujo Manga Protagonist x Rival-San (Serialization); Shoujo Manga Protagonist x Rival-San; 少女漫画主人公×ライバルさん; Shoujo Manga Shujinko x Raibaru san; ยัยตัวร้ายตั้งใจจะขุดหลุมรัก; 순정만화 주인공X라이벌; Sunjeong Manhwa Juingong X Raibeol; Shoujo Manga Héroine x Rivale;
***“Don't you DARE try to get close to Mizushima-kun!”*** Kimura-san wants to get close to her crush Mizushima-kun, but the beautiful and confrontational Hiyama-san has a problem with that… though it's not the kind of problem you'd expect from this scenario. - ( Artist's Twitter>(