In the class of Akihara Haruto, a high school student who is good at housework, there was also a girl named Mikoto Rei.She is the most beautiful girl in school but is also known by a peculiar nickname, the “Ice Goddess.” Rei is what one may call a perfect superhuman. She avoids socializing with others, and Haruto hardly interacts with her.One winter day, Haruto returns to his apartment, where he lives alone, and finds Mikoto Rei in there. Rei seems to be a distant relative of Haruto and has come there to live in the same house with him.At one point in time, Rei had rejected Haruto, saying, “I have no intention of getting along with you.”However, due to helping Rei while she was suffering from a cold, Haruto eventually became closer to Rei.Haruto realized that Rei, even though she appeared to be cool, was actually a really lonely person. Over the course of their lives together, Haruto gently spoils Rei over and over, as Rei becomes too spoiled and dependent on him.